
Privacy Policy

Effective Date: November 11, 2023

Welcome to SoccerTap, the exciting game developed by Lunatik Games. At Lunatik Games, we value and respect your privacy. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, and protect the information you may provide while playing SoccerTap.

1. Information Collected:

SoccerTap is designed to ensure user privacy. While playing the game, we may collect the following information:

- Game Progress Data: We collect information about your game progress, including scores, player upgrades, and the number of virtual coins.

2. Internet Connection:

SoccerTap may require internet access for certain game features, such as updates or social features. However, at no point is personal or device information collected during these connections.

3. Play Games Services (Optional):

SoccerTap offers the option to use Google Play Games Services. By activating this option, you may choose to share certain game data, such as achievements and scores, with Play Games Services. Lunatik Games has no access or control over the data collected by Play Games Services. We recommend reviewing Google's privacy policy for more information on how they handle your data.

4. Advertising and Analytics:

You may encounter third-party advertisements in SoccerTap. These ads may use IDs to deliver personalized ads based on your activity, following Google AdMob policies. We have no control over the content of these ads, and no additional data is collected when you interact with them. We recommend reviewing the privacy policies of the respective third parties.

For more information on AdMob's policies, please visit: AdMob Privacy Policy

5. Godot Game Engine:

SoccerTap is created using the Godot Game Engine. Godot has its own privacy policies, and you can review them at: Godot Privacy Policy.

6. Privacy Policy Updates:

Periodically, Lunatik Games may update this policy to reflect changes in our privacy practices. You will be notified of any significant changes through an update in the app or other appropriate means.

7. Questions and Contact:

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or any other aspect related to SoccerTap, feel free to contact us at

By playing SoccerTap, you agree to the terms and conditions of this privacy policy. We appreciate you choosing Lunatik Games and trusting us to provide you with a fun and secure gaming experience.


Lunatik Games